Retreats &


Together in Andalusia - Molino Los Arcos is a unique location, perfectly suited for hosting retreats and workshops.


Inner Balance


Molino Los Arcos, our ancient mill, is located just outside the picturesque Andalusian town of Setenil de Las Bodegas. Nestled in a gentle valley and surrounded by a babbling brook, age-old trees, orchards, and meadows, the palpable energy of Molino Los Arcos offers a truly healing experience.

We accommodate small groups of up to 10 people in communal (entire house) and private lodgings (private rooms).


Experience the luxury of four-star comfort, nestled amidst breathtaking nature. From our uniquely designed double rooms, you'll be treated to enchanting views of the surrounding beauty. Our accommodations also offer a curated wine selection and the cozy ambiance of an open fireplace.

We take pride in personally welcoming each group on their first day, ensuring they're well-informed about the locale and its offerings.

For our new instructors and teachers, we encourage arriving a day before the start of your course, if schedules permit. This allows time to discuss practical details and settle in comfortably.

Molino Los Arcos - Im Herzen von Andalusien


The kitchen is the heart of our establishment. We serve food that's not only fresh and healthy but also prepared with immense joy and love.

Molino Los Arcos - Im Herzen von Andalusien


Our exquisite garden is an invitation to relaxation. Whether you're seeking a moment of tranquility or a burst of laughter and fun, it's the perfect spot.

Molino Los Arcos - Im Herzen von Andalusien


While Molino Los Arcos offers a wonderful retreat, Andalusia beckons to be explored and felt deeply.

Molino Los Arcos - Im Herzen von Andalusien

Molino Los Arcos

A Special Place for Your Retreat

Whether it's for yoga, seminars, coaching, workshops, or retreats, we're delighted to offer our historic mill as the venue for your courses. The blend of nature, tranquility, hospitality, and the space itself creates the perfect setting for personal growth, movement, and creativity.

We warmly welcome all teachers, leaders, mentors, and coaches. We value mutual respect, honor the space, and cherish the joy of life.

If you wish to enhance your course with additional sessions, such as on-site massages, yoga, excursions, etc., we'll collaborate to find the best ways to bring your visions to life.

Retreats & Events in der Mühle

Discover the retreats, workshops, and courses taking place at Molino Los Arcos. 


Thai Massage weekend method Nuad Boran in Molino Los Arcos

There are moments in life when it is time to stop and disconnect for a moment, take a few deep breaths and connect again with the essential of life. This retreat is not only an opportunity to learn the techniques of Thai Massage but also will recharge your batteries, get in touch with your energies, your life flow and vitalize body and mind. Chigung, meditations, stretching will complete this workshop, in a beautiful natural environment. Treat yourself to an unforgettable weekend including delicious meals, fun and enjoyment with amazing people. Small group only maximum of 8 participants. 14.-16.3.2025 € 350,-/ person incl full board, sharing double room. Info: David Vilches +34 691 49 37 19


Energie- und Kraftwoche in Andalusien – Auszeit für Körper, Geist und Seele

Retreat 17.05.25 - 24.05.25 EINE WOCHE NUR FÜR DICH mit Ute Battram In der alten Mühle Los Arcos, einem Ort voller Ruhe und Kraft, der uns den Raum gibt, aufzutanken, zu entspannen und neue Impulse zu setzen. Gönn dir die Auszeit, die du verdienst, und entdecke die transformative Kraft von „Me Time“ bei meiner Energie-und Kraftwoche in Andalusien. Die Energie- & Kraftwoche richtet sich an alle, die eine Pause vom hektischen Alltag suchen, ihre Gedanken ordnen und zu sich selbst finden möchten. Egal, ob du Anfänger oder erfahren bist, jeder ist willkommen! Zur Ruhe kommen, im Hier und Jetzt ankommen, inspirierender Austausch mit anderen…im Garten und am Pool die Seele baumeln lassen, begleitet von der andalusischen Sonne, lasse dich bei einer wohltuenden Massage verwöhnen und genieße köstlichen, frisch zubereitete Speisen, von der Hausherrin selbst gekocht. Kontakt • +49 174 535 8649 •


Cross-Country-Mountainbike Tour

12.-17. Oktober 2024
Entdecken Sie die außergewöhnliche Schönheit Andalusiens auf dieser Cross-Country-Mountainbike-Tour mit kompletter Verpflegung. Sie radeln durch den Wilden Westen Europas, durch eine dramatische Landschaft, vorbei an schroffen Felsformationen und den berühmten weißen Dörfern.

Booking request

Dreaming of a vacation in Andalusia? We're eager to help you. Send us a no-obligation booking request, and we'll respond within 2-3 business days.

Molinos Los Arcos
